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Edgware Women Take Stand Against Peeball Back
A group of Edgware women have organised a campaign against the Peeball craze sweeping across North West London. Anne Chapman and Sheila Jones formed Parents Against Recreational Peeballing (PARP) after Anne's 16 year old son Wesley was discovered in the urinals of Edgware pub 'The Mason's Arms' competing in an unofficial Peeball tournament.

Although the Police were called to the scene no charges were officially brought against either the landlord or Mr. Chapman as no evidence of alcohol consumption or illegal gambling were found on the premises. Anne Chapman's official statement read,

"I couldn't believe Wesley was urinating with men of 40 and older. It's unhygienic, amoral and downright disgusting. I've written a letter to the Prime Minister demanding he makes plans to clamp down on under-age Peeballing".

The Peeball craze sweeping London currently shows no signs of abating, with approximately two new leagues being formed a week. A spokesperson for the International Peeball Federation (IPF) stated,

"Peeball is a growing sport like any other and does not need outside organisations trying to give it bad publicity by saying it attracts the wrong sort of person. We are aware that PARP has written to the Prime Minister. We only hope this won't effect our application for a lottery grant".

When asked about his under-age antics Wesley Chapman responded,

"My Mum can't stop me playing. I've set my mind on representing England by the time I'm 21".